LGE Electrical Engineers & Contractors

T: 07736 679 837 | E: info@lgesolutions.co.uk

Data Logging Solutions

Empowering Insight and Efficiency

In today’s data-driven world, the importance of accurate and reliable data logging cannot be overstated. At LGE, we specialize in providing cutting-edge data logging solutions that empower businesses to gather valuable insights, enhance efficiency, and make informed decisions. 

These devices monitor and record different electrical parameters that can include volts, amps, watts, volt-amps (VA), volt-amps reactive (VAR), kilowatts (kW), kilowatt hours (kWH), power factor and harmonics.

Accurate and Reliable Data Capture

Simple plug-level load data loggers to large-scale multi-circuit power submeters, our range of devices offers valuable insights into power consumption. With plug-level load data loggers, you can easily measure the power usage of various household electronics. On the other hand, our multi-circuit power submeters allow you to monitor multiple independent loads without the need for individual energy meters. These devices can seamlessly integrate into building management systems, enabling you to record and track tenant power consumption or monitor power usage across multiple devices. Gain control over your energy management with our efficient and comprehensive monitoring solutions.

Customised Data Logging Solutions

We understand that every business has unique data logging requirements. That’s why we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs. Our team of experts works closely with you to assess your data logging objectives and design a solution that aligns perfectly with your operational demands. From selecting the right data loggers to implementing efficient data storage and retrieval systems, we provide a comprehensive and tailored approach that delivers the insights you need.

Data logging services:

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Unlock the Power of Data Logging for Your Business

Discover the immense benefits of our advanced data logging solutions. Our expert team will work closely with you to understand your unique requirements and design a customized data logging system that meets your specific needs. From accurate data capture to real-time monitoring, analytics, and process optimization, our comprehensive services empower you to make informed decisions and drive your business forward.